Crate archive download endpoint

This endpoint allows to download the archive of a specific crate version from the registry (as a .tar.gz file).
This is notably called by the cargo build and cargo fetch commands, when downloading dependencies.

Endpoint URL: /api/v1/crates/<name>/<version>/download
HTTP Method: GET
Endpoint Type: Public

HTTP Path Parameters

This endpoint accepts the following path parameters (as shown in the endpoint's URL):

  • (required) name: The name of the crate (like serde_json).
  • (required) version: The version of the crate (like 3.1.23).


Status: 200 OK


The registry will send back the crate archive as binary data with an application/octet-stream content-type header.
The binary data is the content of the .tar.gz archive stored for this specific version of the crate.